The People We Help

Supporting Second Chances for Troubled Youth at Risk


Erez's life was falling apart until Federation-supported Gesher El Hanoar helped him turn his troubles around.

All Jews Belong at Inclusive Summer Camp

Jewish summer camp provided a warm and welcoming community for Jordan and others like her with special needs.

Investing in Security Makes Jewish Gathering Places Safer


The Jewish Federation's Security Task Force leads efforts to make the places where Jews gather more aware of and prepared for security-related needs.

Teaching Teens to Stand Up to Anti-Semitism


Sarah attended a teen advocacy training program designed to separate Israel facts from fiction, then spent a summer in Israel -- with both programs supported by the Federation. They empowered her to recognize and counter anti-Semitism when she gets to college.

Hebrew Free Loan Made a New Life Possible


Julie needed additional financial help while fleeing domestic violence with her children. Hebrew Free Loan enabled them to begin a new life.