
12 2019


10:30AM - 11:30AM  

JCC of Middlesex County 1775 Oak Tree Road
Edison, NJ 08820
732.494.3232 shorwitz@jccmc.org

Contact Sue Horwitz

Presenter: Bob Galante

What are the best and worst decisions ever made by American presidents? Every president faces crises that involve American lives and vital national interests. Presidents seek to take bold and decisive action, and tough decisions get made in the White House that reverberate for generations.
Join history teacher Robert Galante for a real-time, "you-are-there " tour of presidential crises and decisions that changed the course of American society and the world. From George Washington through the present, presidents have grappled with domestic subversion, economic crashes, foreign threats, internal upheaval and much else, striving to contain the crisis while serving the best interests of a diverse society under the Constitution. It's a tall order and it requires citizenship from everyone! Join the discussion.
Bob Galante has a BA in Government and French from Franklin and Marshall College and a Masters of Arts in Teaching Social Studies from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He has been recognized for his work as an educator earning several professional accolades. Bob has facilitated our Friday Current Events group for the past few years and always sparks a lively discussion!