The following statement was released by the Rabbinical Association in the Heart of New Jersey on January 26, 2017, in response to the recent bomb threat at the JCC of Middlesex County and across the nation.
In light of the bomb threat at the JCC of Middlesex County as well as similar threats made at Jewish community centers around the nation, the rabbis of the Rabbinical Association in the Heart of New Jersey stand united against these cowardly and injurious threats aimed at our community. Free speech does not give one the right to yell fire in a crowded building and though thankfully the threats themselves were empty, the harm they inflict is real. As rabbis we are extremely concerned about the increase in anti-semitic acts taking place across our nation, and as faith leaders we are deeply disturbed and angry about the targeting of any individual or group based upon their religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. These threats should be a wakeup call to our Jewish community to double our efforts in combating acts of hate wherever they may be. Darkness cannot remain where light exists for as Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi teaches us, "a little light dispels a lot of darkness.” Let us banish the darkness of hatred by filling this world with the light of tolerance, love, and understanding.
Rabbi Ari Saks, President
Rabbi David Vaisberg, Vice-President
Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner, Secretary
Rabbi Esther Reed, Exec. member at-large
Rabbi Philip Bazeley
Rabbi Nasanayl Braun
Rabbi Eric Eisenkramer
Rabbi Joshua Finkelstein
Rabbi Adam Frieberg
Rabbi Eli Garfinkel
Rabbi Dov Goldberg
Rabbi Ira Grussgott
Rabbi Marc Kline
Rabbi Ron Koas
Rabbi Nathan Langer
Rabbi Ben Levy
Rabbi Bennett Miller
Rabbi Joel Mishkin
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky
Rabbi Melinda Panken
Rabbi Robert Pilavin
Rabbi Michael Pont
Rabbi Sara Rich
Rabbi Bernhard Rosenberg
Rabbi Eric Rosin
Rabbi Aaron Schonbrun
Rabbi Don Weber
Rabbi Robert Wolkoff
Rabbi Gerald Zelizer
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