Do Good and Get a Tax Break

Yes, you CAN have it all... You can do good for Jews in need and make Jewish life stronger while saving on taxes if you make your 2022 gift to Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey before midnight, December 31. Consider these ideas:

Are you required to withdraw money from your IRA?

  • Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA are NOT SUBJECT TO INCOME TAX.

Do you have stock that’s grown in value while you've owned it, despite the decrease in the stock market this year?

  • Get a tax deduction for the current market value of stock owned for one year or more.
  • Pay no capital gains tax on the appreciated growth in value.
  • Call the Federation office at 732-588-1812 for information on how to transfer stock.

Would you like to make an easy, last-minute 2022 gift with your credit card?

  • Just call (732) 588-1814 M-F between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. or
  • Go online to any day or time by December 31, 2022 for a deduction, even if you pay your credit card bill after December 31.

Please know, how ever you choose to give, YOU are doing a world of good.

With your generous contributions, Federation enables the community to thrive at this time of unprecedented need.

Together, we empower the Jewish community to care for those in need while making Jewish life stronger, safer, and more joyful – for today, for tomorrow, for good.

Thank you and wishing you good things!

P.S. If you already made your annual pledge, thank you so very kindly. Please consider an additional gift at this time to help meet today’s extraordinary needs.

Important: The material contained herein does not constitute legal, estate planning, financial, or tax advice. Please contact your personal advisors about how these provisions may affect your individual situation.


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