As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic begin coursing through the Jewish community, several organizations and their supporters have decided to come together to create -- and invite many others to join them in -- The Jewish Community COVID Relief Fund, a peer-to-peer campaign for those hardest hit:
- the elderly who cannot care for themselves
- parents pressed to put food on their tables
- people in mental health crisis
- families with special needs whose services are on-hold
- owners and employees of closed business whose livelihoods are halted
and heart-breakingly...
- those who have lost loved ones and are grieving alone.
100% of donations will benefit these vulnerable people and the non-profit programs they turn to for aid. To get started, see instructions below.
Jewish Federation in the Heart of NJ is administering the peer-to-peer effort on behalf of the community and participating organizations and individuals. It has set up a digital, peer-to-peer fundraising platform enabling participants to not only give, but also become fundraisers, themselves, inviting friends to give too.
Designated donations for COVID Relief may also be made offline, by calling 732-588-1800 or mailing a check with COVID Relief written in the memo to Federation.
Federation is providing support to campaign participants setting up their peer-to-peer fundraisng pages.
To get involved, call 732-588-1800, email us, or follow these steps:
- Click on justgiving.com/campaign/covidrelief, which will take you to the Jewish Community COVID Relief Fund Campaign Page
- Click “Start Fundraising Page” which will bring you to the “Sign Up” page
- On the Sign-Up page, fill in your personal email address and all other pertinent information and press submit. You’ll be taken to the “Complete Your Profile Page”
- On the Complete Your Profile page, finish entering your information (you choose which address based on who you’re creating on behalf of – yourself or your organization); then press submit
- On this new page, click “Personal Challenge” and in the dropdown menu, choose “Appeal for a Charity”
- For the Event Name, use the same name that’s at the top of the screen – Jewish Community COVID Relief Fund
- For your web address, please use: first name-last name-COVID19 (i.e. Stacy-Feldman-COVID19)
- Press “Complete Your Page”
- Click “Edit Your Profile” at the very top left of the page (above the photo)
- Once you’re in editing mode, scroll down to “Edit and personalise your page” and click on: Edit your title, target, cover photo and story. This will allow you to personalize your page
- We suggest you leave the campaign name as it already reads (with your name) and suggested copy for the “tell us what you’re doing and why” is “I am raising money for”; and suggested copy after “because” is” 100% of the funds will go back into the community (or something similar)
- Then, press “save and continue”
- To edit your “Story,” feel free to write your own or keep what is already on there.
- To edit your image, find an image online and download it; or take an image that you own and put it on your computer, then click “change image” where it will allow you to upload your own image