Statement from the Federation on the Iran deal

Dear Friends and Community Members, The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey is a leader in advocating for the community’s security interests and the safety of all peace-loving people around the world. That is why the leadership of the Federation expresses serious concern about some of the particulars of the deal with Iran announced today. Iran is a regime that supports terror and aggression around the world, not just in the Middle East.

As recently as July 10th, millions marched throughout Iran in anti-US and anti-Israel rallies, shouting: “Down with America” and “Death to Israel.” Even after this “final” agreement, many questions remain. There has still been no full disclosure of Iran’s nuclear activities to date, nor is there agreement on unfettered inspections of their nuclear facilities and products. Further, there is no agreement about limiting ballistic missile development – capable of hitting far beyond the Middle East – or curtailing Iran’s ongoing terrorist activities.

The threat posed by Iran is not just of concern to Israel, a stalwart ally close to the hearts of many in the Jewish community, but of concern to all of us in the United States.

While Israel’s concern may be more existential, given proximity and recurring Iranian threats to destroy the State of Israel, the United States has been and remains an Iranian target. Iran’s own support of Islamic extremism and history of terrorism is a threat to American interests around the world, and potentially right here in the United States.

We recognize and applaud the President’s desire to resolve tension with Iran peacefully, and understand that peace is made between enemies – but a pre-requisite for a successful agreement is that both enemies need to want peace equally. In that context, this deal leaves many unanswered questions. And in this situation a bad deal can be worse than no deal at all. As per the Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, U.S. Congressional leaders are supposed to ensure that a good deal eliminate an Iranian pathway to a nuclear weapon.

We encourage our elected officials to engage in a critical review of this agreement, to be sure that it achieves this goal. We also encourage all members of the Jewish community, and all of our friends and neighbors in Greater Middlesex and Monmouth Counties’ heart of New Jersey, to review the details of this agreement and form your own opinions – and to share your concerns with your elected officials:

Below, you will find a series of links, briefings, and articles to provide more background and insight into the current agreement and points of concern. We strongly encourage our country’s leaders to take this opportunity to rely on facts and realism, instead of any possible unchecked momentum and optimism, to be sure that any agreement is effective, verifiable, and comprehensive. B’shalom, Mitchell Frumkin, President Keith Krivitzky, CEO Susan Antman, EVP

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