JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY To Andrew and Jean Getraer and Family, in memory of June Getraer, from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman and Family, Stacy Feldman; to Karen Berkin, in memory of her mother, from Donna and Larry Danzig; to Martha Goz, in memory of her father, from Rachel Holeman and Family; to Dorothy Epstein, for a speedy and complete recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Elinor Ehrlich, for a speedy and complete recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Phyllis Abrams and Family, in memory of Anne Glatt, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Ami and Daniel Petter-Lipstein and Family, in memory of Thelma Baker Petter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Mary D’Agostino and Steve Lee and Family, in memory of Chiara D’Agostino, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Debra Joy Fishman and Family, in memory of Phyllis Smith, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Susan and Philip Marantz and Family, in memory of Agnes Farkas, from the Federation Board and Staff; to The Sobel Family, in memory of Ivan Sobel, from Marlene and Edward Herman; to Brooke and Jonathan Gans, in memory of Rabbi Manfred Gans, from Cheryl and Lance Markbreiter; to Jan and Joel Penchina and Family, in memory of their brother Robert, from Cheryl and Lance Markbreiter; to Max and Honey Wisotsky, in memory of Morris Wisotsky, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Saul Fishman, Kira Belkin and Family, in memory of Theodore Fishman, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Debbie Erdfarb and The Family of Gustine Matt, in memory of Gustine Matt, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Devorah and Harvey Pava, Mazel Tov on the birth of their daughter, Rosie-Belle, from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan Antman and Family; to Gloria Nilson and Family, in memory of Alf Nilson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to the Family of Devorah Hilsenrath, in her memory, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Suzanne and Richard Wycoff and Family, in memory of Miriam Cohen, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Carol Freedman, in her honor, from Jesse Mintz