Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County
To Jerry Berke, Mazel Tov on his 75th Birthday, from Sheila and Lou Friedlander; to Francine Glass, Mazel Tov on her special birthday, from Libby Rosenfeld, Beverly Lance; to Steven Satz and Family, in memory of Blanche Silverman Satz, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Rabbi Jay an Sharon Weinstein, Mazel Tov on the birth of their daughter, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Bruce and Rochelle Newman and Family, in memory of Gertrude Newman, from Susan Antman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Ruth Ellen and Sidney Weiss, Mazel Tov on their special birthdays, from Phoebe Wofchuck; to Kenneth and Deborah Kaplan, Mazel Tov on their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, from Linda Korman-Spiegel and Philip Spiegel; to Cindy Gittleman, Mazel Tov on her new position, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Mitchell Frumkin, Mazel Tov on his birthday, from Keith Krivitzky; to Ira Kizner and Family, in memory of Sandra Kizner, from Laura Safran and the Tanzman Fellows, the Federation Board and Staff; to Barbara Schnitzer, in memory of Lawrence Schnitzer, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Judith Meller, in memory of David Cohen, from Muriel Touretzky; to Roberta and Larry Fachler, Mazel Tov on their 50th anniversary, from Carol and Howard Shapiro, Lisa and Alfred Morgan; to Lois Eitelberg, in memory of Matthew Adam Pact; to Herb Engel and Family, in memory of Ethel Paltrowitz; to Nila Mason, in memory of her mother, from Karen and Bruce Grossman; to Rhoda Juskow, for a speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Karl Kaplan, for a speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Susan Olan, in memory of Michael Olan, from Stephanie Berzin and Family, Staci Youngelson and Family; to Nila Mason, in memory of Gertrude Shapiro, from Emily and Mark Eisen; to Marnin and Shira Goldberg, in honor of Joseph and Rosa Goldberg; to Judy Bonus, in memory of Irving Sandler, from Joan and Herbert Perlmutter; to Irving Becker, in memory of Nelly Becker; to Fran Epstein, in memory of Herb Epstein, from Barbara and Al Leftow; to Marjorie Gelber, for a speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Paul and Paula Rovinsky, Mazel Tov on the birth of their granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff, Susan and Marvin Antman, Leslie and Edward Kornfeld; Laura and Jeremy Safran; to Madeline Lind, in honor of her birthday, from Josef Saloman, the Federation Board and Staff; to Bella and Henry Lerner, in honor of the engagement of their grandson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Melissa and John Rosen, in honor of the engagement of their daughter Shira to Yeshaya Clair, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jordan Fishbane, in memory of Richard Fishbane, from Leslie and Edward Kornfeld; to Audrey and Ira Whitman, Mazel Tov on their son’s engagement, from Laura Safran, the Federation Board and Staff; to The Sucher Family, in memory of Al Schneider, from Susan and Marvin Antman; to Liz and Murray Katz, in their honor, from Alan Katz; to Michael & Suki Karp, Mazel Tov on Jake’s Bar Mitzvah, from Susan and George Karp; to Patti Plittman, in memory of Bernice Friedman, from Elena Stolzer
Dr. Morton Klein Fund
To Stewart and Marilyn Gursky and Family, in memory of Mollie Schmookler, from Beth and Jay Zinberg, Nancy and Bill Murphy
Harriet Tabak Endowment Fund
To Gail and Jason Paul, Mazel Tov on the birth of their son, Heath, from Joan Golden, Roberta Panter; to Marilyn and Jeffrey Tabak, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson, from Joan Golden, Roberta Panter; to Joseph Tabak, Mazel Tov on the birth of his great grandson, from Joan Golden, Roberta Panter
Jennifer Lalin Memorial Foundation
To Jenny Siscovick and Family, in memory of Isidore Freidman, from Carol and Bill Lalin; to Mr. and Mrs. David Paszamant, in their honor, from Anna Demchick and Matthew Paszamant; to Lynn Grater, Mazel Tov on her special birthday, from Leslie and Samuel Silverman
Ruth Kroll Memorial Fund
To Mr. and Mrs. David Paszamant, in their honor, from Anna Demchick and Matthew Paszamant