To Richard and Dena Price and Family, in memory of their father, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Richard and Teri Beck and Family, in memory of their mother, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Kenneth and Judith Streisand and Family, in memory of Bessie Streisand, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Martin and Linda Brattner, in memory of Ann Brattner, from Andrea and Howard Dubow; to Carl Gross, Mazel Tov on the 60th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah, from the Jewish Federation Board and Staff; to Joshua Zager, Mazel Tov on being honored for you service as a fighter pilot, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Robin and Albert Zager, Mazel Tov on the occasion of your son Joshua being honored for his service as a fighter pilot, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Arnie Civins and Family, in memory of Edith Civins, from Elise Feldman, Sharon, Rich and Pat; to Maurice Zagha, in memory of his mother, from Marcia and Jeff Schwartz; to Mark and Lori Comer, in memory of Thelma Krivins, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Joseph & Irene Zach, in memory of Myrna Zach, from the Federation Board & Staff; to Miriam Blechman, in memory of Stanley Blechman, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Roxanne Lopatin and Family, in memory of Seymour Rubin, from the Federation Board and Staff, The Antman Family; to Murray and Annellen Guth and Family, in memory of Blanche Jacobson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Gayle and Craig Stamer and Family, in memory of Edith Levine, from the Federation Board and Staff