Troubling Signs of Anti-Semitism Are On the Rise

Anti-Semitic flyers were posted around Long Branch several weeks ago, but this was not a unique incident. Similar flyers have been found in Asbury Park and Princeton over the past year. These are troubling signs of anti-Semitism on the rise… a trend which will get worse – unless we come together as a community to respond.
That’s where the Jewish Federation comes in and here’s how you can help… read on.
I thought anti-Semitism was, if not a thing of the past, at least buried away in some dark corner of our society. After all, we live in the United States in 2018 – a country that has provided a wonderful home for Jews – not Germany in 1938. But I was wrong.
The statistics are troubling:
Last year alone, New Jersey saw a 32% jump in anti-Semitic incidents! (source: ADL)
New Jersey ranks third in the country for total number of anti-Semitic incidents (source: ADL)
When these incidents occur, the Federation is often the first to receive the call and steps up to ensure a response. Your general support of the Jewish Federation makes this possible.
However, this is not enough – and your support of our Special Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is needed today.


Imagine a high school student who receives a message from a classmate on their class social media group saying “H8 Jews.” Another responds and says “Let’s make this a lead feature in our yearbook.” And no one else says anything or responds that this is wrong!!!
We urgently need your help today to make sure that we can respond effectively when issues arise and be proactive to stamp out hate before it takes root!
Sadly, in the past year alone, there have been at least a dozen similar incidents in our area, including swastikas carved in desks and painted on school lawns, as well as professors and teachers who promote hateful stereotypes about Jews without any hesitation. And the hate that gets shared online is just scary.
But we can do something about this. Your contribution to our Special Campaign Against Anti-Semitism will help enable us to do the following:
Provide effective interventions when hate arises in schools – connecting school administrations with resources to counter bullying and educate these students so that they can understand why what they did was wrong and the hurt it can cause.
Fund programs for law enforcement and students to undergo bias prevention and response training by visiting the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and the new exhibit at the Center for Holocaust, Human Rights and Genocide Education.
Continue our security initiative, helping local synagogues and other local Jewish institutions to be better prepared and more secure in the face of threats.
There is much more we need to do!!!
Our goal is to raise $100,000 for these efforts. Will you help?
I am writing to you today because you care about this issue and your contribution will make a real difference.
Our response to these flyers and increasing anti-Semitism shouldn’t be to hide our Jewish identity. I believe we need to be direct and proactive in fighting hate, as well as sharing our pride in who we are.
That’s why the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey is here – and why we need your support today for this special campaign.
The only way we will make a difference is by coming together to fight this rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate. And it takes each of us doing our part.
I hope you agree.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
Keith Krivitzky, CEO 
P.S. – Your support of this campaign will go to work right away, enabling us to ensure that plans are in place for the upcoming academic year to fight hate in our community. So please make a contribution today!
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