
Sara and Max Goldsammler Scholarship Fund

The Sara and Max Goldsammler Scholarship is open to any current or collegiate bound Jewish student.

Students fill out a simple application and write a short essay in order to apply. Three scholarships are being awarded; $1,000, $500 and $300, based on their essay. The application can be found …

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - April 2015

Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County
To Cindy and David Wormser, Mazel Tov on the birth of their granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Richard Bruskin and Family, in memory of Dorothy Bruskin, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Lisa and David Goldberg, Mazel Tov on t…

Nepal Earthquake Response

Amid news out of Nepal that continues to shock and sadden — including a death toll of more than 4,000 in the wake of Saturday's devastating earthquake — JDC is working around the clock to deliver critical aid to survivors.

Donate to JDC’s urgent Nepal earthquake relief efforts now.


It's a Day to Celebrate!

Israel is now celebrating its 67th birthday. We want to encourage you to join in this special occasion. Check out one of these 15 fun videos about Israel below. Enjoy!

1. So many reasons to love Israel:

2. Crossing the Line 2 – the battle for Is…

Jewish Medical Professionals Gather for Maimonides Society

This week Jewish Federation’s Maimonides Society brought together some of our communities incredible healthcare professionals at the home of Ricki & Ira Horowitz. Attendees had a chance to mix and mingle and hear an educational and informative discussion on the Israel bias in the media and…

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