
23 2024

Megillah Reading & Purim Celebration at Congregation Agudath Achim/FJC

8:30PM - 10:30PM  

Congregation Agudath Achim / Freehold Jewish Center 59 Broad Street
Freehold, NJ 07728
732-462-0254 office@freeholdjc.org

Contact Christine Mahler

Megillah Reading followed by Dairy Hors d’oeuvres and desserts.

If you plan on attending the Purim Party, you MUST RSVP with the Synagogue Office by Wednesday, March 13th.
For the Purim Party to take place a minimum of 15 people is required!

Bring a box of pasta to use as your grogger, and then as a Purim Mitzvah donate the box to Open Door Food Pantry. (The collection box will be in the lobby.)

Sponsor: Congregation Agudath Achim / Freehold Jewish Center