
29 2020

Rabbi David Ellenson Speaks at Monmouth Reform Temple

10:30AM - 4:30PM  

Monmouth Refom Temple 332 Hance Avenue
Tinton Falls, NJ 07722
732-747-9365 info@monmouthreformtemple.org

Contact Shari Nightingale

Monmouth Reform Temple welcomes renowned scholar Rabbi David Ellenson as its Shabbat Kallah speaker on Saturday February 29. Rabbi Ellenson will give three talks:
1. "Sources of Jewish Spirituality Then and Now: Parashat Terumah and American Jewish Writings of Spirituality Today"
2. "Peoplehood: as we consider what it means to be a Jewish people. What do we have in common as Jews across the world?"
3. "Jews, Israel and Power: Conflicting Jewish Positions:"
The day includes a catered lunch and coffee break. A contribution of $15 is requested from attendees who are not members of MRT. This program is made possible by a bequest from MRT Past President Robert Rosin.