
6 2022

"The Golden Age of Jewish Life in Sepharad Spain - Guide for the Perplexed"

1:00AM - 2:00PM  

East Brunswick Jewish Center 511 Ryders Lane
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
732 257 7070 ebotwin@ebjc.org

Contact Ellen Botwin
Register at ebjc.org/Spain
732 257 7070

For centuries, the Jewish community of Spain was one of the world's most significant for its creative achievements in the arts, sciences. medicine, literature, diplomacy and was unprecedented for a Diaspora community, largely because of the interaction and integration of the Jewish community in Muslim Spain. All of this ended during the same year that Columbus set sail to discover America. What is the legacy of this important community?

In this free Zoom event, Mike Hollander will visit some of the more important Jewish centers, including Cordoba, birthplace of Maimonides, Granada, home of the beautiful AlHambra Palace, where Ferdinand and Isabel issued their expulsion order, as well as the beautiful synagogues of Toledo.
The presentation will also touch upon the complexity of minority/majority relations, the tension between integration and assimilation and the celebration of the rich legacy of Sephardic Jewry.

Sponsor: East Brunswick Jewish Center and 7 other Jewish Congregations around the country