
29 2023

What's Cantonese for Mazel Tov? Author Henry Levinson speaks on zoom

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

on zoom.

Contact Linda Lidor

Henry Levenstein is a self-described, Jewish-oriented irreverent satirist who will make you laugh as he describes the uncomfortable gyrations of melding cultures and religions in his family. "It's a merger of anciant cultures. The Chinese always arrive early. The Jews always arrive late. The Jews hug and kiss you with hardly any provocation,even if you are the plumber who's just replaced a faucet. A Chinese son shakes hands with his mother-on Mother's Day."

Author Henry Levinson describes his experiences in a very humorous way as both his daughter and his nephew each marry someone of Chinese heritage. This is a zoom program

Sponsor: East Brunswick Chapter of Hadassah