Demanding Facts and Accountability in East Brunswick Yearbook Matter

On the afternoon of June 4, 2024, Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey representing Monmouth and Greater Middlesex counties became aware that East Brunswick High School's 2024 yearbook contains alterations of photos and names of Jewish students that, while under investigation, appear on their surface may be deliberate and malicious - and if not, then certainly negligent.


East Brunswick superintendant says error resulted from "gross lack of oversight but calls for independent, external inveswtigation to validate internal investigation findings

At 6:30 p.m. on June 4, Jewish Federation along with The Marlboro Jewish Center - Ferencz Institute Center to Combat Antisemitism, currently partnering with Federation on investigation of separate incidents of antisemitism at Marlboro Middle School, made the following statement:

This afternoon we became aware that East Brunswick High School's 2024 yearbook has seemingly deliberate and malicious alterations of photos and names of Jewish students.
We are seeking clarification from the school and Board of Education on how such an incident occurred, as well as the actions planned to address this unacceptable situation and to hold the people who are responsible accountable.
We have contacted selected township and school authorities and will continue to do so as appropriate. While we do not yet have all the facts, we are deeply concerned about the situation and will be following the investigation closely. 

Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey holds school and board of education officials accountable to obtain, in their investigation, all such files that retrace content and approvals at every stage of the production process, including but not limited to:

  • The “final draft” presented from the student committee for approval by faculty advisor(s)
  • Faculty advisor approval
  • The production file transmitted to the printer
  • The printer's proof transmitted back to EBHS for review
  • Approval from EBHS contact giving printer "go-ahead" to print the books

While we do not have all the facts at this time, it is important to note that many in the Jewish community of East Brunswick and we at Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey have prevously identified a systemic problem at East Brunswick High School and Middle School, which is a lack of knowledge of what constitutes antisemitism and a lack of sensitivity and responsiveness to antisemitism. This has been noted and conveyed to the superintendent by community members, including students of the schools and their parents as well as by Jewish Federation officials, ourselves – including in personal meetings.

The systemic failing precedes this yearbook incident and even the events of October 7. Moreover, it reflects an increasing climate, both in and beyond our schools, of hate affecting people of all faiths, ethnicities, and identifications.

Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey urges the NJ State Legislature to proceed with twice delayed votes on two bills that address escalating expressions of such hate.

One bill [S1292] helps people responsible for recognizing and responding to antisemitism understand what constitutes antisemitism through adoption of a standard definition of antisemitism. 

One bill [S2937] ensures that, if a public entity is using DEI-based standards, then the standards must include Jewish people – which current public DEI initiatives do not. 

Jewish Federation wishes to thank the many stakeholders in the Jewish and civic communities who support efforts to stem the unacceptable rise in manifestations of hate at every level of our education system and throughout our community as a whole.  


Alum Points to East Brunswick High School History of Antisemitism

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