November 2023 – TRIBUTES
To Jessica Solomon and Garrett Wychoff, Mazel Tov on your wedding, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Ruth Greenbaum, in memory of Jonathan Greenbaum, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Amanda and Todd Feder, Mazel Tov on the birth of Jordyn, from the Federation Board and Staff; To the Weidenfeld Family, in memory of Dylan Weidenfeld, from Arlene Wasserman; To the Weidenfeld Family, in memory of Dylan Weidenfeld, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Helen Kaplan, in memory of Michael Kaplan, from Susan Antman; To Helen Kaplan, in memory of Michael Kaplan, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Amy and Will Schafer, in memory of Michael Kaplan, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Lisa Kaplan, in memory of Michael Kaplan, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Jason Kaplan, in memory of Michael Kaplan, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Ed and Bonnie Guttenplan, Mazel Tov on the wedding of Allison and Jerome, from Susan Antman; To Ed and Bonnie Guttenplan, Mazel Tov on the wedding of Allison and Jerome, from the Federation Board and Staff; To the Crawford Family, in memory of Elayne Crawford, from Frances Blum; To Martin Goldman, in memory of Susan Gooen, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Ann Lerner, in memory of Susan Gooen, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Mitch Feldman, in memory of your beloved mother, from Sandy and Steve Cohen; To Joel and Jan Penchina and Family, in memory of your father George, from Cheryl and Lance Markbreiter; To Ken and Irma Philmus, Mazel Tov on your grandson’s bar mitzvah, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Michelle and Jay Fields, Mazel Tov on your daughter’s engagement, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Sandy and Richard Craig, Mazel Tov on your son’s wedding, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Andrew and Naomi Jackenthal, in memory of Doris Jackenthal, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Amy Schafer and Family, in memory of Michael Kaplan, from Linda Korman Spiegel and Phil Spiegel; To Arlene Forman and Family, in memory of Carl Forman, from Linda Korman Spiegel and Phil Spiegel; To Cheryl Fertel, in memory of Arnold Pomerantz, from Lizbeth Fertel and Family; To Renee Ritz, in memory of Arthur Ritz, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Henry and Carol Teitelbaum, in memory of Steven Teitelbaum, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Fran and Joel Shafer, Mazel Tov on your grandson’s engagement, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Brenda and Mark Sherman, in memory of Selma Linefsky, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Beth Krinsky, best wishes for a speedy recovery, from Susan Cohen; To Karen and Larry Goldstein, in memory of Shirley Salkin, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Ben and Leah Todres, in memory of your sister, Amy, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Wendy and Gregg Winik, in memory of your sister, Amy, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Peter Nussbaum, in memory of Amy, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Bruce and Barbara Muhlgeier, on the birth of your new grandchild, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Andrew Becker and Family, in memory of David Becker, from Gloria Engel; To Rabbi Laibel and Chani Schapiro, Mazel Tov on the engagement of your daughter, Chaya to Sholom, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Carol Fitterman and Family, in memory of Dick Fitterman, from Honey Karasic and Family; To Beth Krinsky, best wishes for a speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Ethan Kapoano, happy first birthday, from Marlene Hilkowitz; To Karen and David Blivaiss, have a happy and enjoyable Hannukah, from Jeffrey Blivaiss and Family; To Barbara Zagha, in memory of your mother, Josephine Baum, from Susan Cohen; To Joel Krinsky, happy 80th birthday, from Steven Schifris and Family
To Lawrence Edelman, in memory of Debbie Edelman, from Joseph and Naomi Storch