Holocaust Survivors

Helping Holocaust survivors live in safety and dignity is of paramount importance to the Jewish community. Along with local partners and the Claims Conference, the Jewish Federation ensures that survivors receive in-home aid to assist with essentials of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, meal prep, and more.

To get help, contact the family service agency near you.

Get Help in Middlesex County

Contact Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County.

Get Help in Monmouth County

Contact Jewish Family & Children's Service of Monmouth County.

Holocaust survivors need our support... deserve our support

Of the 100,000 to 130,000 Holocaust survivors in the United States, nearly one quarter are age 85 or older, and one in four lives in poverty. As a group they are at risk for depression, social isolation, declining health and problems associated with institutionalization, which can trigger traumatic memories of wartime experiences.

Additional Senior Services

Our family service partners provide services to all seniors in addition to services for Holocaust survivors. These include mental health counseling, group meals, senior socialization, and bereavement support. Jewish Family Services in Middlesex and Jewish Family & Children's Service in Monmouth are good places to start for needs assessment, resource referrals, and services.

Case Management


If you or someone you know is in need of kosher meals on wheels, bereavement support, in-home mental health care, addiction support, or help for a Holocaust survivor, our family services partners can help you take the right steps to get the help you need.

Bereavement Support


Accessing support to cope with life's inevitable losses is an empowering and positive step, no matter what type of loss one is dealing with or when the loss occured. Bereavement resources provide support in a respectful and accepting environment.   

Senior Socialization


Staying connected to others is increasingly recognized as essential to aging with health and vitality. Jewish Family & Children's Service in Monmouth, Jewish Family Services in Middlesex, and the JCC of Middlesex county offer senior socialization programs with book groups, lunch & learns, theater trips, movement, movies, and more. 

Kosher Meals on Wheels


Kosher Meals on Wheels provide sustenance for those age 60+ who are unable to afford, shop for, or prepare nutritious meals at home. The Federation is proud to support our family service partners’ Kosher Meals on Wheels programs enabling active adults to age with dignity and safety in their own homes.