Our partners support and receive support from the Jewish Federation to deliver programs and services in the heart of NJ, Israel, and Jewish communities worldwide.
Deborah Heart and Lung Hospital
Wilf Transport
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Family & Children's Service
Jewish Social Service
Temple Rodeph Torah
Congr. Torat El
Temple Rodeph Torah
Congregation Torat El
Congregation Kol Am
Chaim's Pekelach
Hillel Yeshiva
Jerusalem U
Netivot Montessori Yeshiva
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva (RPRY)
Rutgers Jewish Xperience - JMed
Rutgers Hillel
Congregation Neve Shalom
BBYO Greater Jersey Hudson River Region (GJHRR)
Solomon Schechter Day School (SSDS)
Freehold Jewish Center
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva
Daniel Pearl Education Center
Highland Park Conservative Temple - Congregation Anshe Emeth
Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple
Axelrod Performing Arts Center
Center for Jewish Life (CJL)
Center Players
Congregation Beth Mordecai
Congregation Beth Ohr
Congregation B'nai Israel, Rumson
Congregation Neve Shalom
Deal Sephardic Network
Friendship Circle
Hand in Hand (Chabad of the Shore)
Jerusalem U
Jewbadours Choir
Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County
Jewish Historical Society (Middlesex)
Mercaz Jewish Choir
Mesorah NJ
Monmouth Reform Temple
Rutgers Hillel
St. Peter's Hospital
Temple Beth Ahm
Temple B'nai Shalom
Temple Emanu-El
Temple Rodeph Torah
Young Israel of East Brunswick
Amit Shikum
Dental Volunteers for Israel
Eden Association
Ethiopian National Project (ENP)
Gesher el Noar
Hadassah Hospital
Israel Arts & Sciences
Israel Humanitarian Foundation
Israel National Council for the Child (INCC)
Jerusalem Shelter for Battered Women
Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) - Camp in FSU
Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)
Keren Gimmel
Reut Sderot
Reuth Hospital
Targeted Overseas Grants
Weizmann Institute of Science
Yemin Orde Village
Attorney General of the State of NJ
Center for Holocaust, Human Rights & Genocide Education (Chhange)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Middlesex County Prosecutor
Middlesex County Sherriff
Monmouth County Prosecutor
Monmouth County Sherriff
NJ Office of Homeland Security
Secure Communities Network
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Harold Grinspoon Foundation's Life & Legacy Program
Amazon Smile
Employers who match charitable contributions
Targeted Overseas Grants fund high-impact programs that address the global Jewish community’s most pressing needs - such as food, medical care, mental health support, crisis management, and basic education - focusing on vulnerable populations, preferably with long-term effects in Israel and Europe.