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ADL Audit: Anti-Semitic Incidents in New Jersey Rise 27 Percent in 2014

Troubled times for the Jewish community in New Jersey. This recent survey from the ADL provides support for what many have felt and feared - an increase in anti-Semitic attitudes and incidents in our own backyards. While the coverage of Israel in the news may be a contributing factor in thes…

ADL Audit: Anti-Semitic Incidents in New Jersey Rise 27 Percent in 2014

Troubled times for the Jewish community in New Jersey. This recent survey from the ADL provides support for what many have felt and feared - an increase in anti-Semitic attitudes and incidents in our own backyards. While the coverage of Israel in the news may be a contributing factor in thes…

Ongoing Crisis In Ukraine

From the desk of Michael Siegal, Chair, Board of Trustees of The Jewish Federations of North America

Dear Friends,

Nearly a year has passed since pro-Russian separatists began battling Ukrainian forces in the eastern party of the country, and once again Jews are in danger. There are 5.2 mi…

Ongoing Crisis In Ukraine

From the desk of Michael Siegal, Chair, Board of Trustees of The Jewish Federations of North America

Dear Friends,

Nearly a year has passed since pro-Russian separatists began battling Ukrainian forces in the eastern party of the country, and once again Jews are in danger. There are 5.2 mi…

ISIS in New Jersey: How big a threat?

Keith Krivitzky, CEO of The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey, contributed to a conversation about how we, locally, should also be concerned about ISIS and the rise of other extremism.

By Shannon Mullen, Staff Writer, Asbury Park Press

March 21, 2015

Is there an ISIS wannabe li…