Contact Leaders About Antisemitism at Rutgers

While several private universities, this week, suspended activities of student organizations engaging in intimidation of Jewish students and rhetoric celebrating Hamas attacks in Israel, Jewish Federation in the Heart of NJ has been working with leaders at Rutgers University to ensure the school heeds the concerns of Jewish students and responds to antisemitic, anti-Israel incidents to the full extent of the law pertaining to public universities.

State of NJ and Rutgers University leaders need to hear from you: taxpayers, Rutgers alumni, faculty and all employees, suppliers and partners, neighbors, sports fans, parents of students and prospective students, and students, yourselves. 

Use the content and links below to contact them. If you choose to write an email, consider the subject line: Stop antisemitism at Rutgers


  • Jews will not stand for harrassment, vandalism, intimidation and threats of violence from students or student groups, nor bias among educators and administration – anywhere, let alone in places we fund with taxpayer dollars.
  • We hold you – those who lead, govern, and fund institutions of higher learning – to a higher standard of truth, accuracy, and judgement than the masses of under-informed, under-educated, often manipulated, or perhaps simply antisemitic individuals subscribing to and spreading misinformation and false equivalencies that incite hate and violence against Israel and Jews. You are accountable. Lead.   
  • New Jersey prides itself on its state university. Rutgers purports to provide world-class education –  saying it is a place where all members of its community can engage in scholarly discourse. Skewed or selective regard for primary texts and historical accuracy renders your curricula and your discourse anything but scholarly. By coddling those – in the name of free speech – whose ideas about social justice are built on lies and hate, you abandon your obligation to teach students critical thinking skills; you vacate your responsibility to advance the public good; you misappropriate public resources.
  • Rutgers says it has a centuries-old tradition of rising to the challenges of each new generation. Today's generation deserves better. Today's Rutgers students deserve better. Today's state of New Jersey deserves better.

Tell them:

  • We kindly request that the university administration enhance its monitoring of the chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and other groups and individuals posing threats and creating a hostile environment toward Jews in the Rutgers community. While we respect the principles of free speech and open dialogue, we believe it is essential to ensure that all campus organizations and activities adhere to guidelines that maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive academic environment. 
  • The Instagram accounts of SJP chapters have been posting unsafe content in response to the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel of October 7, 2023. This content includes a photo of Gazan civilians who are celebrating the death of innocent Israeli citizens, supporting them, and in-part, promoting violence. 
  • The Holocaust – the systematic murder of over 6 million Jews – happened just 78 years ago. And how did it begin? With silence. Silence against misinformation, silence against slander, and silence against violent words and behavior. Where there is smoke, there is a fire.
  • We believe that increased oversight, transparency, and engagement with SJP and like-minded groups and individuals will help foster an environment where different perspectives can be shared constructively while preserving the safety and well-being of all members of the Rutgers community.

Tell them:

  • Hamas is a terrorist organization that has the sole goal to slaughter all Jewish people. As it says in their charter: "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.'” (Article 7)
  • Pursuant to title VI of the Civil Rights Act, every academic institution has the responsibility to prevent discrimination and harassment and to take steps to remedy it when it does occur. All Jewish students have the right to safety and Rutgers University has the legal responsibility to ensure that safety.



Jonathan Holloway
President, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

7 College Avenue, 2nd Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (848) 932-7454
Fax: (732) 932-0308
Email Jonathan Holloway


Governor, Phil Murphy
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
Phone: (609) 292-6000
Text: (732) 605-5455
Email Governor Murphy


U.S. Congressman, Chris Smith (NJ-4)
Monmouth County District Office
1715 Highway 35 North, Suite 303
Middletown, NJ  07748
Phone (732) 780-3035
Email Chirs Smith


U.S. Congressman, Frank Pallone, Jr (NJ-6)
Long Branch Office
504 Broadway
Long Branch, NJ 07740
Phone: (732) 571-1140
Fax: (732) 870-3890
New Brunswick Office
67/69 Church St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732) 249-8892
Fax: (732) 249-1335
Email Frank Pallone


U.S. Congresswoman, Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12)
850 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 201
Ewing, NJ 08628
Phone: (609) 883-0026
Fax: (609) 883-2093
Email Bonnie Watson Coleman


U.S. Senator, Cory Booker
717 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3224
One Gateway Center, 23rd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102 
Phone: (973) 639-8700
Fax: (202) 224-5702
Email Cory Booker


U.S. Senator, Robert Menendez
528 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4744
210 Hudson Street
Harborside 3, Suite 1000
Jersey City, NJ 07311
Phone: (973) 645-3030
Fax: (201) 434-9272
Email Bob Menendez


The Office of the Attorney General, Matthew J. Platkin
Office of Constituent Services
25 Market Street
PO Box 081
Trenton, NJ 08625-0081
Phone: (609) 984-5828
Email the NJ Office of Attorney General


NJ Senator, Sandra Cunningham
Chair, Higher Education Committee, NJ State Senate
1738 Kennedy Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07305
Phone: (201) 451-5100
Fax: (201) 451-0867
Email Sandra Cunningham


Brian Bridges, Ph.D.
NJ Secretary of Higher Education
1 John Fitch Plaza 10th Floor
PO Box 542
Trenton, NJ 08625-0542
Phone: (609) 292-8052
Fax: (609) 292-7225 / (609) 633-8420
Email Brian Bridges

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