To Sharon and David Ster, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Naomi and Joshua Caplan, Mazel Tov on the birth of their granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Sherry Cammeyer, in memory of Lena Mandelbaum, from Lauren and Ross Cohen; to Mitch and Arlene Frumkin, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jack and Judy Steinweis, Mazel Tov on the birth of their granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to David and Ami Petter-Lipstein, in memory of Richard Lipstein, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Melvyn and Genia Danzig, in memory of Rhoda Nadler, from Hermine Goldstein and Cindy Padnis; to Fran Semaya, best wishes for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; To the Teicher Family, in memory of Tonia Teicher, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Steven and Dale Daniels, in memoy of Richard Daniels, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Bettina Goot and Family, in memory of Raymonde Schroeder, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Robert and Ellen Botwin, Mazel Tov on the birth of their grandson, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Mirelynne Meiser and Family, in memory of Kenneth Meiser, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Cantor Sheldon Levin, best wishes for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; To David and Lisa Goldberg, in memory of Stanley Presser, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Bella Lerner, best wishes for a very speedy recovery, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Susan Whyman, in memory of Ellen Messing, from the Federation Board and Staff; To Susan Whyman, in memory of Ellen Messing, from Susan Antman; To Maggie Ferber, in memory of Zary Sedag, from the Federation Board and Staff
To Frank Facchini and Family, in memory of Anthony Facchini, from Elaine Fromkin; To Frank Facchini and Family, in memory of Anthony Facchini, from Gittel Footerman; To Frank Facchini and Family, in memory of Anthony Facchini, from Joy and Louis Goldstein; To Frank Facchini and Family, in memory of Anthony Facchini, from Paula Masciulli; To Frank Facchini and Family, in memory of Anthony Facchini, from Barbara Freidenreich