Before leaving for their two week break in Israel, Maya and Dana, our community's Shinshinim (teen ambassadors), collected notes from community members of all ages to be placed in the cracks of the Western Wall. This week, Maya and Dana fulfilled their promise and made the trip to the Kotel, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, to deliver notes and prayers.
Our Shinshiniot arrived at the Kotel Plaza, giving us a panoramic view of the holiest site in Judaism. As they made their way to the Wall, you could see many groups congregating at the front, touching the ancient stones that once made up the retaining wall of the Beit HaMikdash, the Holy Temple. This wall is the only remaining structure of the Second Temple.
After delivering the notes, Dana and Maya made their way back to the center of town, trekking through the hustle and bustle of modern Jerusalem. They will return to the heart of NJ on March 7. Feel free to welcome them back in the comments section on YouTube or on Facebook! Watch their journey below and CLICK HERE to see photos from their journey.