Turning the Page to a New Chapter

As we turn the page on a new year, our thoughts are with the people of Israel and all the innocents caught in the horrors of this war. Our thoughts are with the college students who never imagined their education would be set against a backdrop of vitriol and violence. Our thoughts are with the leaders of synagogues, Jewish schools, and community centers responsible for the safety and security of all who pass through their doors. And with our community's human services providers whose resources were already stretched thin and are now even more so. And the parents struggling to put today's realities into some kind of context that will not leave their young children feeling disempowered, despondent, or disengaged from Jewish pride and joy.       

...but not only our thoughts.

With your help, our deeds, decisions, and dollars are at work: caring for people in need, connecting community leaders to deploy solutions, gathering children and their families to share in learning and celebration of traditions, holding educators accountable to recognize and reject antisemitism on campus, supporting elected leaders and law enforcement in understanding and meeting the needs of the Jewish community, and much more.

Your support and involvement inspire us. We have much to do in the new year and we are filled with hope.

Together, we are making more than a dent. We are making a difference.

As surely as the sun will rise to a new year Monday, January 1, 2024, Federation - with your help - will be here to see and address the pressing needs in Jewish life. 

Thank you for all your support. We send you our very best wishes for peace, good health, and happiness in the new year.

Shabbat shalom,

Susan Antman, Executive Director
Murray Katz, President

P.S. If you have not yet made a contribution to Jewish Federation's 2023 Annual Campaign, every dollar is urgently needed now. Please give.

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