The classroom incident had occurred. These parents were stunned into inaction until, weeks later, one of them attended an unrelated antisemitism briefing from Jewish Federation at their synagogue. Things began to fall into place.
They still weren't sure if the school incident was antisemitic, but now they knew there was someplace to turn for support and resources in voicing concerns, figuring things out, making reports through proper channels, if need be, and helping all involved become more aware of the dangers of, and ways to move past, hurtful encounters -- whether born of animus or ignorance.
Federation provided a wealth of information and made sure all involved were aware of interventions offered by its Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) and partners. For example, the JCRC's advocacy training series provides community members with context and tools to raise awareness and combat antisemitism and all bias or hate.
Relieved, but surprised that "Federation does that?!," one of the parents took the next step of attending a Federation advocacy training session and is now taking an interest in doing even more.
"When we learned of the incident, and even today, it was not and still is not clear whether we were dealing with anitsemitism in this instance," said Susan Antman, Jewish Federation Executive Director. "What was and is clear is that people need a place to turn to sort out their questions, map out a path forward, and follow up with the right parties for the safety and education of all -- in other words, See Something Say Something."
Dan Rozett, Federation's Manager of Community Relations and Israel Engagement, who spearheads the JCRC, explained, "in much the same way suspicious behaviors must be reported to law enforcement for security reasons, even behaviors you may not be sure are antisemitic must be reported for investigation, educational intervention, and tracking. Increasing our collective awareness of the different forms antisemitism may take enables all involved to address the problem."
The JCRC's next session in its Uniting to Combat Antisemitism Advocacy Training Series is Feb. 23, 2022 at 7:30 PM on Zoom. Aptly, the topic is:
Teens want -- and need -- adult allies to stand up for themselves, their Jewish community, and Israel. StandWithUs will share insights and techniques on how they empower teens facing antisemitism, anti-Israel sentiment, and BDS in high school, social media, and their future college campuses.
Learn strategies that can help you advocate on behalf of teens. Hear from a high school student on the front lines.