What Have the Shinshinim Been Up To?

Maya and Dana, our Shinshinim (Israeli teen ambassadors), have settled in to the heart of New Jersey and have been working hard. Here’s what they’ve been up to…
  • The community gave them a warm welcome last week at their welcome party at Marlboro Jewish Center. The evening served as an introduction to the community for the Shinshinim, plus food and music. SEE PHOTOS
  • They had a chance to speak to sociology students at East Brunswick High School and to the East Brunswick Youth Council, which included over 200 students, focusing on daily life in Israel for teens, and how it compares to the lives of teens here in New Jersey and America. 
  • Maya and Dana have started working in Hebrew schools throughout the community, enhancing curriculum with Israel-related content, and will continue to do so for their year-long stay in the heart of New Jersey. 
  • It’s been confirmed that they will be working with students and educational directors in Netivot Day School and The Hebrew Academy this year. We are discussing plans with other day schools in our area to fit Maya and Dana into the curriculum. 
  • Along with the Israel Teen Committee, they are planning the Israel Teen Summit, November 18, at Rutgers Hillel. The day will consist of activities and sessions for 6th-12th graders, and will conclude with keynote speaker Chloe Valdary, a leading voice in the pro-Israel movement. LEARN MORE
Maya and Dana will be here for a year, working with teens to better understand and appreciate Israel. To learn more, visit jewishheartnj.org/shin

Pictured Above: Maya (far left) and Dana (far right) with the East Brunswick Youth Council
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