
Did you miss today’s telephone briefing on the Iran deal? Download it here.

The Jewish Federation, in its leadership role of engaging and educating the Jewish community on matters of importance in the heart of New Jersey, Israel, and beyond, is pleased to share the following informational resources pertaining to the Iran nuclear agreement announced July 14, 2015, wi…

Community Invited to Call-In about Iran Fri., Jul. 17, 9am

The Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 defines a good deal as one that eliminates an Iranian pathway to a nuclear weapon. Is the recently announced deal with Iran A GOOD DEAL? Given the many questions and concerns surrounding the deal with Iran, The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Je…

Statement from the Federation on the Iran deal

Dear Friends and Community Members, The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey is a leader in advocating for the community’s security interests and the safety of all peace-loving people around the world. That is why the leadership of the Federation expresses serious concern about som…

The Jewish Federations of North America's Statement on Iran

Jewish Federations can be found in nearly every city in North America, and our leaders are among the most committed philanthropists in their communities. In just three generations, Jewish Federations across North America forged one of the top 10 philanthropic networks on the continent, helpe…

Federations Continue Life-Saving Efforts in Ukraine

From the desk of Michael Siegal, Chair, Board of Trustees, The Jewish Federations of North America

Thank you for your Federation’s generous support of the Ukraine Emergency Assistance Fund. Early in the year JFNA issued a funding request for 2015 related to the ongoing humanitarian needs …

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