
Anti-Israel Protests Reveal Anti-American Sentiment

As Americans preparing to celebrate Independence Day, we take this moment to appreciate our nation — the vision of our forefathers, the courage and sacrifices of all who have fought for our freedom, those who came before us on this land to whom we owe a debt of respect, public servants, …

East Brunswick Yearbook Investigation Report Issued

East Brunswick High School, on June 19, released the report from an outside investigation of its 2024 yearbook incident. Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey observes that the report contains inconsistencies, leaves unanswered questions as to the progression of events, and reinforc…

East Brunswick Superintendent Seeks to Validate "Gross Lack of Oversight"

At the East Brunswick Board of Education meeting June 6, 2024, Superintendent, Dr. Victor Valeski, said the board had concluded its internal investigation of how a high school yearbook photo now identified as a group of Muslim students had been placed in the space intended and labeled to s…

Alum Points to East Brunswick High School History of Antisemitism

Reprinted Courtesy of TapInto East Brunswick from June 5, 2024 at 5:22 PM
Dear Editor: 

It’s been a while since I have been a student at East Brunswick High School, but I have never been so compelled to reach out and express my deepest disappointment with this year’s yearbook and the …

Fostering Hope Among Israel's Farmers This Shavuot

Next week we celebrate Shavuot, also known as Chag HaKatzir, the Harvest Festival, because it coincides with the grain harvest in Israel. Contrary to other Jewish holidays whose date is noted in the Torah, Shavuot is not determined by a day on the calendar, but rather in relation to the agri…

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