
The first-ever Hillel College Fair: Your Ticket to Jewish Life on Campus

College selection and campus visits should be one of the most exciting times for high school students. But this year, the risk of coronavirus looms over these traditionally in-person events adding for additional stress – enter the first-ever Hillel College Fair, your ticket to virtually…

What Else is New? Federation Provides a Current Look at Anti-Semitism

Sadly, anti-Semites are scapegoating Jews for today's pandemic, as happened in the 14th century with the Black Death in Europe. Sadder yet: this should not surprise us, given the current alarming state of anti-Semitism in the U.S. Federation briefs community groups on the latest expressions…

What is love to a four year-old?

"What does love mean?" A group of four to eight year-olds weighed in and their answers will make you feel better than you've felt in a long time.

A Win Against Holocaust Denial on Social Platforms

Jewish communal advocacy, including Federation's efforts, have succeeded -- playing a role in moving Facebook to update its hate speech policies to now prohibit all content that denies or distorts the Holocaust. This is a signficant win in the ongoing fight against anti-Semitism.

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - September 2020

JEWISH FEDERATION N THE HEART OF NEW JERSEY                                                                                  To Ira and Laura Gordon and Family, in memory of Roberta Gordon, from the Federation B…

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