
Jewish Medical Professionals Gather for Maimonides Society

This week Jewish Federation’s Maimonides Society brought together some of our communities incredible healthcare professionals at the home of Ricki & Ira Horowitz. Attendees had a chance to mix and mingle and hear an educational and informative discussion on the Israel bias in the media and…

Remembering Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims on Yom Hazikaron

As Israel mourns 23,320 of its citizens who have fallen in defense of the Jewish state, on this Yom HaZikaron (Israel Remembrance Day), our community also acknowledges and honors their sacrifice. These words from Israeli President Reuven Rivlin eloquently capture the spirit of the day: http:…

Once Paralyzed, Now Running Marathons

A fitting story for the day of the Boston Marathon. Dr. Steven Reich is a long-time supporter and friend of the Jewish Federation.

An air conditioning repairman from New Jersey remembers the accident that changed his life and offers details to his road to recovery.

Getting Medications to People in War-Torn Ukraine

On April 14, 2015, the International New York Times published an article about what life is like for people in rebel areas of Ukraine who are unable to access the medications they need. Our partners, such as the JDC, work to deliver these types of medications to their clients in war-torn…

Never Forget, Never Again

On this Day of Holocaust Remembrance, Yom HaShoah, we remember the 6 million members of our extended Jewish family killed by the Nazis, as well as their millions of other innocent victims. We say "Never Again" - but to mean it, we must be vigilant against modern-day tyrants who spew hate, an…

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