
We Partied With a Purpose


On May 21, 2019, we came together to celebrate our Jewish community and a very special group of Jewish community leaders. Together we recognized Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey’s Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland honorees and inducted our most recent honoree – a fierce defender of th…

Dana and Maya’s Excellent Adventure


Mark Winter, one of the teachers working with Maya Shany at Congregation B’nai Tikvah, North Brunswick (CBT) Hebrew school says, “Maya brings a different voice to the classroom. She’s a bright, engaging, young Jewish woman, months from her Israeli Army service as an air force flight si…

Honoring Israel as "One People, One Community"


Over 160 people attended the "One People, One Community" Israel Event last night, starting with a ceremony honoring and remembering Israel’s fallen soldiers and terror victims for Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day). The commemoration transitioned into celebration for Yom Haatzmaut (Israel Indepe…

From Commemoration to Celebration


By Dan Rozett, Manager, Community & Israel Engagement

Tonight, is the beginning of the end to a very emotional 2 weeks for the Jewish people. 

After commemorating Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, last week, Yom Hazikaron, Israeli Memorial Day, started last night and Yom Ha’atzma…

What Does Israel Independence Day Mean to You?


I recently returned from vacation in Israel, specifically an art & culture immersion trip in the north. Steeped in all things visual – painting, photography, sculpture, textiles, video, architecture, even dance – I was surprised to find myself deep in thought about words and their meanin…

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