Experiencing Israel First-Hand

By age 13, Sarah had been hearing how special Israel is for years, but now that she's seen it for herself, she is hopelessly, madly, and deeply in love.
By age 13, Sarah had been hearing how special Israel is for years, but now that she's seen it for herself, she is hopelessly, madly, and deeply in love.
There was a family in town whose mom needed to go into New York every afternoon for cancer treatments. Her her twins came home after school to an empty house and made their own dinner. This caring community responded with help.
Sam and her mom made a dear friend in Anna, a Holocaust survivor. It's one of many ways they give back in the community.
When Dan fell through the cracks, Crossroads helped him get his life back on track again.
When Sidney was nine, as the Nazis approached, he boarded a train to Siberia, where he nearly starved to death through the duration of the war. Today we help him live with the care and dignity he deserves.