
Support the Supplemental

In the coming days, the U.S. Senate will vote on a supplemental appropriations bill that is historic for Jewish communities across the country, providing critical military aid to Israel in its existential battle against Hamas and helping protect houses of worship under increased threat from…

Federation Advocates Locally to Fight Antisemitism, Anti-Israel Activity

Jewish Federation sent a letter to New Brunswick Mayor James M. Cahill and other city and state officials to voice concern about a pro-Palestinian rally planned for Feb. 8, 2024 - while Federation's Security Initiatives proactively coordinated with law enforcement and Jewish communal and…

Israel Moves to Prevent Civilian Casualties More Than Any Other Nation

"The sole reason for civilian deaths in Gaza is Hamas. For Israel's part, it's taken more care to prevent them than any other army in human history," according to John Spencer, chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point and codirector of MWI's Urban…

Tributes and Memorial Gifts - January 2024


To Marsha Heller and Family, in memory of Phoebe Wofchuck, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Mitchell Wofchuck, in memory of Phoebe Wofchuck, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Robert Wofchuck, in memory of Phoebe Wofchuck, from the Federatio…

Hague Court Affirms Israel's Right to Continue Defense Against Hamas

On January 26th, 2024, by a 15-2 vote, the International Court of Justice issued rejected allegations that Israel has committed genocide and did not call for a ceasefire demanding Israel put an end to the war.

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