
Tributes and Memorial Gifts - February 2024


To Howard and Diane Uniman, Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughter, from the Federation Board and Staff; to Jack Saka and Family, in memory of Yaffa Saka, from the Federation Board and Staff; to The Brody Family, in memory of Helena Brody, from B…

Leaders to Receive Briefing on Legislation Aimed at Antisemitism on TikTok

Local Jewish community leaders join Jewish Federations from the Heart of New Jersey and across North America for briefing on the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act aimed at 900% rise in antisemitism on TikTok since Oct. 7.

Teen Devotes Mitzvah Project to the People of Israel

Joshua was looking for a Mitzvah Project, a meaningful way to give back to those in need. Then October 7th happened. Israel was first on the minds of Joshua and his family. They turned to Federation to ask, “What can we do?” Joshua created a personal campaign to benefit Jewish…

What About Valentine's Day?

On Valentine's Day, the perennial question presents itself: Is it OK for Jews to "celebrate"? This viewpoint says yes, but don't reserve expressions of love for only Valentine's Day.

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