

Three years ago, seeing that we would be hard pressed to meet needs for Holocaust survivors and seniors, Federation sought, and won, grants from a national foundation for this purpose.

Overview of Events that Developed Over Passover

The following update is adapted from a message from Eric D. Fingerhut, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Jewish Federations of North America

As Passover began, world events heated up!  On the positive side, the United States Congress achieved final passage of the legislation which…

Federations: Anti-Israel and Antisemitic Protests Violate Civil Rights

Anti-Israel and antisemitic protests on too many college campuses have included threats and harassment of Jewish students and faculty. This behavior is a clear violation of their civil rights and must stop immediately. The Jewish Federations of North America encourage anyone who thinks th…

Passover Message of Strength and Solidarity from JFNA

Dear Friends,

As we gather to celebrate Passover, it is impossible not to be mindful of how unsettled our community is right now.

We begin, of course, with our hostages still held in captivity by Hamas. Passover marks the beginning of their 200th day of captivity. We cannot truly celebrate…

Jewish Federations Applaud $400M for Nonprofit Security

Jewish Federations of North America applaud the inclusion of roughly $400 million in emergency funding to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) in the National Security Supplemental package introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this afternoon. 

This package includes $26.4 …

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